I had just been admitted into the University of Lagos. I was lost, very lost. I refused to admit it though. After Nosa, my family driver dropped me at the school gate, I insisted he left me alone (I hated being followed around)
" Aunty Lili, you sure say you wan walk?" He asked in his singsong voice
" Am i paralyzed? " I asked irritation lacing my voice
That was the 3rd time he asked me.
"Ok na" He said in resignation "Sha make sure you call me when you finish... I no want Oga wahala"
"Yessir" I said giving him mock salute before stepping back
So he drove off and I started my journey into nowhere.
Getting stares from the opposite sex and look of admiration; sometimes unfounded jealousy from the same sex was not a new one for me. It had become a norm in my life.
Even though I was clad in my disguise Dashiki gown and scarf, my face and body drew unwanted attentions .As I made my way from the gate into the school, I kept getting catcalls from sex- hungry boys. "Sexy Alhaja" "Heys" "Yarinya" "Mstcch" almost blocked my ear drums. I kept squashing the urge to face them and give each of them a total wash down.
As I approached the hall where I was assigned to to complete my clearance and registration, ( I only had the luck of seeing the name boldly written across the top part of the building) I sighed in relief.
My relief was short lived as I then noticed a multitude of students in the block
"My God", I exclaimed in frustration
" I should have accepted Nosa's offer to drive me around " I murmured to myself "He would have saved me the trouble of asking questions around"
I inhaled and exhaled almost immediately before ascending the steps leading to the main hall.
There were too many faces, too many colours. I sought the solace of my eyeglasses but well...they were in the safe arms of my bed. I knocked my stupid self ten times over. How could I forget my glasses? "Nervousness maybe" I answered the chastising voice in my head.
I turned to my right and decided to speak to the first person closest to me. She was giving directions to 3 other people, I presumed were freshers like me. She seemed calm and collected in the midst of the 'people chaos' around.
"She might help me out", I concluded
" Hi", I said almost bumping into her shoulders.
"Hey" she replied glancing back.
"I'd be in the cafeteria across the road by 7pm today, if you need any more help" she said smiling at the three students who immediately thanked her and left to wherever she directed them to
"This one is too nice oo" I mused to myself
"I'm sorry, I had to finish up with them" she said turning to me.
I was able to get a good look at her face. She had the most flawless makeup I had ever seen. Her caramel coloured skin accentuated the highlight on her well structured face. She was constantly putting a lost lock of her very long hair behind her ear. Her dentition screamed perfect.
"Sorry to bother you, I'm so lost right now and I'm trying to find my way to R107 in this Hall" I said trying to sound okay but I wasn't okay. I was surprised at how she was able to captivate me without talking to me for long.
I'm not usually this way, in fact people's look don't move me...well they used to but not anymore for over 1 year now. Maybe my nervousness was at work again.
"Ohh!! That's where I was headed before I was intercepted by the people you met me talking to. Do you mind walking with me"
"No, no...It'd be great" I said.
"I'm Chigozie" she said as we walked past the multitude of students into a hallway that led into what seemed like eternity.
"I'm Halima" I replied taking a good look at her back as I faltered in my steps.
"You could call me Gozie, can I call you Lima?" She asked.
I muttered a noncommittal 'whatever' but smiled when she looked at me.
"So we are there" she said as we got to a green coloured metal door. As she opened it, the mixture of heat and sweat that welcomed me brought a wave of nostalgia coursing through my body. I stood at the door for God knows how long.
"Lima, are you okay" She asked, concern lacing her beautiful face.
"I'm fine....I'm fine" I stuttered "Just a little tired from all the walking" I said trying to sound convincing
I was already sweating profusely, my hands were shaking as I my clutched my bag like it were some kind of weapon.
"If you say so" she said eyeing me suspiciously.
"If it'd be of any help" she added "My Aunt is one of the people in charge of clearing freshers and she's very nice" she said, trying to put me at ease.
Little did she know that my shaking didn't arise from the fear of the clearance process but from something that ran deeper.
"I'm fine really" I retorted, trying to stop her from going any further.
"Ok" she said in resignation.
The clearance process went well. I was able to calm my nerves after awhile.
As I started out of the room, Gozie called out to me "Lima, would you like to have lunch with me?"
"Why does this girl have to act all nice even after answering her rudely earlier" I thought to myself.
To say my life over the past few years was a rollercoaster of tragedies was an understatement of the century, adding a friend to the list wasn't top of my priority. Me and friends were parallel lines that met once in awhile and it didn't always end well.
"Hmm......". I trailed off trying to find a suitable way to reject her offer. I'd probably not see her till I'm done with university.
" It's just gonna be lunch" She said interrupting my thoughts
"Ok then" I shrugged "Let's see how this goes " I said quietly as I followed her.
Hey guys, the remaining part of "Meeting Gozie" would be posted later today. I should have added it right here, but it was getting too long already.